Fat Cats Inc. is a fast-paced board game for 3-6 players where players take on the role of ruthless business executives building their companies to earn the most revenue. The twist is that the world is on the
brink of destruction due to overproduction, adding a unique and exciting element of pressure to the game.

In Fat Cats Inc., players start with a small company and use their wits and cunning to outmanoeuvre their opponents and become the wealthiest tycoon before the world’s demise. They’ll do this by building production facilities, acquiring
resources, and using Action cards to sabotage their rivals’ operations. They can also play Funding Cards to boost their profits and gain an advantage over the competition.

As players build their companies and earn money, they must also keep an eye on the world’s production meter. As it fills up, the end of the game and the world draws near, adding a sense of urgency to the players’ actions. The player
with the most money at the end of the game is the winner, but players must balance the need to earn revenue with the knowledge that time is running out.

Fat Cats Inc. combines the strategy and cut-throat competition of a traditional business game with a unique and thrilling twist. It’s a game that will have players on the edge of their seats, scrambling to earn the most money before
it’s too late.